Monday, September 20, 2010

The Bulls Ate My Lilacs

Hello and Welcome. We are still waiting for the cool Fall weather. I heard this morning that yesterday was the last three digit temps we would be having. There is a cool breeze just now. I sure hope it continues. One of things I miss most is the leaves changing color and that crunching sound under my feet as I step on them.

As for the past week!The bulls have been back, drinking the dogs water and emptying the bird baths AND dining on my lilacs. They stripped  the leaves off but thank goodness did not devour the branches! The pump we use to run water into the water storage tank broke. So can`t fill the storage tank means no water in the house, means Cathy buckets water to the washer, the bathrooms and the kitchen. I know a neighbor will fill the tank, it`s just being able to track down the neighbor.  This is sort of like camping. LOL

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Vintage Sewing Machines

 I start this post with a picture of a lion that daily crosses through my son`s property. Beautiful ! This is near Prescott.