Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lilacs For Breakfast

It was more likely a midnight snack. Thank you local bulls!

This is what is left of my larger lilac bush and the lilacs were just blooming. I will pick the strongest of the lot, soak them a while and replant. I have more success with root cuttings. This soaking business works, just takes time. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. As for the cows I can`t be upset. This is open range and I haven`t fenced this part of the yard. They just wanted a unique snack.
I would like to show you the rest of the acre with the abundant  arugula and other gifts (weeds) from Ma Nature but it looks like a jungle. I have asked DH to put the mower to work Today! If he waits much longer we will need machetes to get out the door. The last time I pulled weeds I had three days of allergy problems and then a sinus infection. I used steam, warm towel compresses and drank hot mint tea for a few days. Took a week to feel better.  I also can`t be near oleander or drink Chamomile tea because I am allergic to ragweed.  Such is life.

Thank you for visiting. Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. We are still frozen here with snow & more to come Friday!! UGH!!
    Hope your allergies are better for you this year. I know what you go through as my Mother was VERY allergic to ragweed.
    Have a Wonderful Day!


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Vintage Sewing Machines

 I start this post with a picture of a lion that daily crosses through my son`s property. Beautiful ! This is near Prescott.