Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Lilacs

Here are this years first lilac cuttings. I have two bushes, only one blooms and the fragrance permeates the entire 1 1/4 acre we live on. My house smells like a lilac forest if there were such a thing.

I started two bushes with root cuttings from a neighbor`s plant about five years ago. She was moving and those cuttings are one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received. A simple gift from the heart is far more precious to me than diamonds or gold.

Have a wonderful weekend my friends!


  1. Oh My.... My Lilacs haven't even "thought" about forming buds yet!! We had snow flurries today for heaven's sake!!
    Have a Peaceful Evening!

  2. wow..didn't know lilacs grew in the desert..wondering if they'd grow here..our climate is alot like yours..interesting..

  3. Hi Dani,

    Water and partial sun worked for us. They are on the north side of the house, having shade in the late afternoon, away from the hottest south and west sides during summer.

  4. So happy lilacs are keeping you company this week. We won't have them for another month, probably. We are still having cool weather in CO.

  5. Your lilacs are absolutely beautiful. Pity they are finished with the last snowfall.

  6. Hi Shirley,

    I was able to pick one last bouquet. Not the prettiest but they smell good.


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Vintage Sewing Machines

 I start this post with a picture of a lion that daily crosses through my son`s property. Beautiful ! This is near Prescott.