Sunday, February 6, 2011

Daily Goings On and Vintage Painted Embroidery

It`s getting warm again! Love it! This a picture I took in our wanderings a few days ago. In the foreground is what we call a "wash" or arroyo. It`s not a natural cut. This cut was made by a commercial mining operation in the 1930`s. They generally had large equipment with buckets, dragging  dirt, scooping it up and carrying it elsewhere on the claim to process. Sometimes when metal detecting we find pieces of rusted steel cable that once moved the buckets that  filled the trucks and huge belts that fed the gravel into machines.  Modern day weekend prospectors still visit and nuggets are still found. The Grapevine Mesa is in the background.

Below is a painted table runner. I never used fabric paint, but the more I learn about it the more interested I am. Sometimes (most times) I am a real klutz with paint and details, which is why I haven`t tried the technique before now. This runner was likely painted in the 1970`s. The colors are still bright after 40 years. Amazing. Whoever had it all these years took very good care of it.

Today I`ll be sorting fabric, thread, patterns and whatever I stumble onto in the so called spare room, work room, spare bedroom. It`s my pantry too. And it`s where I keep my ebay stuff, my shop (see button in sidebar. No humility here) inventory, the desk with postal supplies that doubles as my sewing machine table, and a rickety dresser that holds linen overflows like hankies and embroidery. Hmm.

Time for one last cup of strong tea. The husband and the dogs are hungry so I must start moving. Have a great day.


  1. Love your header, in B/W too! he he!

  2. Yes Sue, I prefer the black and white header too. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. ya....we think painting fabric would be a little challenging! we are in the middle of orginizing our chaos - that way we can start (or finish?!!) some projects! glad it's getting warm is cccc-old here today...but warmer weather is in the forcast - yea!!


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Vintage Sewing Machines

 I start this post with a picture of a lion that daily crosses through my son`s property. Beautiful ! This is near Prescott.