Saturday, April 16, 2016

Pictures and Chat

Hello Everyone!  My blogging and sewing posts have been rare because I`m waiting for cataract surgery.  The first eye will be done the first week of May , the second surgery the end of May.  It will be wonderful being able to see again. So,  I take pictures with the cell phone hoping for the best! My sight is so  blurry, I see one and a half of most things and till I download the pics I can`t really see what I have. Sometimes I get lucky!

Lake Mead Arizona Side.

Desert farming dust on the way home. There is much concern about our water tables. These are out of state commercial operations. The dust travels miles. 

More of the same. 

 Lake Mead AZ, South Cove Launch Area.  Beautiful calm water. Fishing is great!

Launch area again.  There`s a seagull, tiny white dot, at the edge of the concrete. Like I said, I can`t see so I point and shoot and hope for the best!

I can`t wait to sew again and I`ve wanted to crochet as well. It`s been very windy so I haven`t walked the past few days. I have allergic asthma. One more picture.

This is what happens when I sit on the ground to take flower pictures. Meet Sam, my buddy,  my Lab/Dane. This is a great breed. Calm, gentle, smart, playful.
. I was raised with Great Danes. He was bouncing around so I was lucky to get a picture.

Thank you for visiting. I sure do appreciate it!


  1. Your pictures look great, but I'm sure you'll be glad to have the surgery done so you can see all that beauty more clearly. Sam is such a cutie!

    1. Hi Carol! My Fuji camera was my favorite. The phone sort of misses the mark sometimes. Sam is great!

  2. So glad to see you back...lovely pictures..Good luck in May with those eyes of yours.

  3. Wishing you the best for your cataract surgery, Cate. I know you'll be so happy once it's past.

  4. Hi Cate, your pictures look wonderful. Good luck with the surgery, I'm having mine done the later part of May. and again in early June. Hope it goes well lol

    1. Hi Terry. My surgeries are the first and last weeks of May. I`m hoping they move that last date up, 2 weeks sooner. Glad you like the pictures.

  5. Hey Cathy, good to see and hear from you, Praying your surgery go as well as mine, so keep us updated. The pictures turned out fine and I will include gentle rains for all that dust in those prayers too.
    Sam looks like a jokester, always happy.
    Blessings and Hugs,

    1. Hi Tonia! It rained a few days last week. There is less dust now. Sam is good, thinks the cat is a major inconvenience but he tolerates him. I`m excited about the eye surgery. Nice to hear from you!

  6. Oh so nice to see your beautiful pictures. Hugs and prayers for your surgery.

  7. Hi Colette. I`ve been keeping up with your blog. Do you ever slow down? Take care,


I appreciate your comments, so don`t be shy.

Vintage Sewing Machines

 I start this post with a picture of a lion that daily crosses through my son`s property. Beautiful ! This is near Prescott.