Saturday, July 21, 2012

When It`s Hot, Shop!

Coconino Plateau Moon

Now this is a moon!

Hello! My son and DIL took these pictures from camp at their property near Williams AZ. I am so happy he shared them with me.

It`s been very hot and very humid. Unusual weather for us. My sewing room is on the east side of the house. Too warm in the morning and then very humid past noon. We have air conditioning but I try to be frugal with it. When it`s 114 outside that`s hard to do. Yesterday we took a break, headed to town for a nice lunch at Chili`s. Thank you son and daughter in law for the gift card. After that we visited my favorite thrift shop and I bought five new shirts, they are Land`s End and Sears, for $5.00. I always check out the Pyrex, china, vintage sheets and aprons. Not much of that yesterday. It`s still humid today and a little over 100 at 9:30 this morning. Rabbits and birds are always here for water.

That`s all for today. Have to make a late breakfast for hubby.



  1. We were in Tucson a few years ago and it was very hot for us, we are from western NY. People kept telling us "but it's dry heat", but it sounds like you are getting some humidity also. Keep cool and have a great rest of the weekend.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Western skies are beautiful. It is a lovely moon.

  4. That moon is glorious! How can anyone doubt we have an almighty, creator, God?

    I check for the same things when I thrift...and a few more. I've had the urge to make a designated thrifting trip, but the oppressive heat (hot and humid) keeps me inside unless I have to go out. I am frugal with the AC, too, and if I start feeling too warm inside, I just step outside for a few minutes and come back in.

    Have a wonderful day!

  5. I was in Williams, AZ in 1970 and spent the night at the Ramada Inn. Don't know if it is still there. I remember swimming in their pool, and it was so hot in the water and I could feel the altitude pressure in the water. ♥


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Vintage Sewing Machines

 I start this post with a picture of a lion that daily crosses through my son`s property. Beautiful ! This is near Prescott.