Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Nature`s Alarm Clock

We woke to quite a din. Clatter, clatter, bang, bang. It was a Flickr pecking at the metal stovepipe outside our bedroom window. Living here many years we knew what the noise was about. The sound echos down the chimney into the house. I always run upstairs to check out the visitor. Some mornings and early evenings the horned owls perch there looking for a meal. It`s a wonderful view. We can see for miles.

This is a storm cloud moving off the Reservation  towards us. It looks like a huge clam shell. That`s how it`s been here. Clouds, thunder, lightening, humidity and very little rain. We get some terrific lightening. Kingman  flooded last week and the roads washed out just beyond the town of Dolan Springs. Some school children didn`t get home till 9 PM or the next morning, staying at school or with teachers who took them in. We live a little higher than Dolan and most times the bad storms don`t get up the hill to us.

I have my fabrics picked out for the Dots On Dots Blog Hop. Very excited about that and there are more Hops on the way! Find the links in my sidebar!

Thank you for stopping by,


  1. That last picture looks surreal! What a gorgeous shot of nature's fury. Thanks for taking that photo. May I put it on Pinterest???

    Thanks, Catherine.

  2. Hi Cathy! Wow...I loved this post~ I could almost hear your bird pecking and waking you up!~ That clam cloud is AMAZING!!! May I copy that picture? I've never seen a cloud like that before?

    Thank you for joining my newest blog which I haven't even posted anything on yet! Because you and a couple more have joined it is motivating me to get started! LOL My name is also Catherine Anne.... I always say Anne with the E. God's blessings~ ♥♥♥

  3. That is a gorgeous cloud photo! wow! I followed Cathy's link to your nice blog. I love the desert, as well as the Ocean.


I appreciate your comments, so don`t be shy.

Vintage Sewing Machines

 I start this post with a picture of a lion that daily crosses through my son`s property. Beautiful ! This is near Prescott.