Thursday, August 16, 2012

Where I`ve Been

I hope you are staying cool and comfortable. We`ve been working the claim early in the day to beat  the desert heat. It`s been over 110 several days and humid. Humid makes it miserable. Then a week ago my modem met it`s demise thanks to a lightening strike near the house. It was plugged into a surge protector, but that did little good. The surge protector is fine, go figure. My computer was unplugged from the outlet and was damaged when the surge passed through the ethernet cord. . No damage to the phone line or box. Can`t understand that. My backup computer had all the files deleted some time ago so I had to reload Windows, put in new drivers and I added extra memory.  I am able to get my files from the old hard drive. It`s taken time to do all the updates and downloads but it is finally done. My son was a great help researching the parts I needed to get set up again.

I am getting ready for the Dots On Dots Blog Hop. The link is in the sidebar with all the information. I expect there will be lots of beautiful blocks to see.

I must start supper and then feed the dogs and cats. The coyote is outside waiting for watermelon. I don`t feed him but Hubby throws the rinds over the fence for the rabbits. Mr coyote is faster. Thank you for stopping by,



  1. It is such a drag to lose your computer, but glad you got it up and running again. That heat is awful!! Did you make some finds in your digs?

  2. My husband found some small gold and a small nugget with a detector. He goes out every morning before it gets too hot. The ground is wet from heavy rain last week and we were using a drywasher so it`s too wet to work the gravel properly. It is so dry we`ve seen only three rattlesnakes all summer. Makes me happy! We used to dredge Clear Creek years ago. That was fun.

    1. I'm sorry you had computer trouble, but I'm glad you are back. All that computer geeking would have made my brain tired. :)

      A coyote would be hard pressed to beat our chickens to watermelon...of course, I guess it would rather have a chicken. LOL


    2. I think you`re right. The coyote would rather have the chicken! I guess the watermelon is a rare treat. He brought a friend last night!

  3. I hate when I lose everything on the computer! It has happened to me twice, and I've even lost my blog before...twice...but the last time Blogger was able to restore that one. Arghhh. I am glad you didn't have damage to your phone lines, etc though. That would have been a real mess~ ♥


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Vintage Sewing Machines

 I start this post with a picture of a lion that daily crosses through my son`s property. Beautiful ! This is near Prescott.